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Among the top 5 benefits it brings, Aronia helps greatly in keeping blood pressure at normal levels.

Aronia assists significantly in keeping blood pressure level at normal levels. The dark pigmented berries have been known to prevent spasms in blood vessels, keeping the blood pressure far from the “danger zone”.  The juice or tea from aronia berri is highly recommended to anyone having problems with the circulatory system and blood pressure.  


In a 2007 double-blind, placebo-controlled parallel trial study (Naruszervicz M et al), conducted by the Department of Pharmacognosy and Molecular Basis of Phythotherapy, Medical University of Warsaw and the Center for Atherosclerosis Research, Pomerainian Medical University Szczecin, Poland gave patients, who had experienced myocardial infracture and were being treated with statin therapy, a rich extract from the Aronia Berry.


Cardiovascular risk markers were significantly reduced in those taking the Aronia melanocarpa E. They saw a reduction in blood pressure and Ox-LDL levels and more. 

A 2013 study supported these findings. Researchers found that aronia was effective at reducing blood pressure, and might help combat high blood pressure in the arteries. Read article here.

The aronia juice is extremely recommended to people having issues with the high blood pressure level.

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